Name * First Name Last Name Email Address * Did you tithe at least 10% of your income during this past year? * Yes No Did you make a faith promise pledge this year? * Yes No Have you fulfilled your faith promise pledge? * Yes No How many people have you led to Christ this church year? * How many people are you currently meeting with for one-on-one discipleship on a weekly basis? How many new members have you been directly and actively involved in discipling through ALIVE, one-on-one, etc. Provide a current testimony of your faith and devotional life. Please be specific about time spent in prayer and God's word. * Provide a testimony of how God has used you in ministry this year. In your own words, describe the mission of our church. In your own words, describe the vision of our church (This should describe how we plan to accomplish the mission to which God has called us). Share the vision God has given you regarding how God will use you and your specific ministry areas to accomplish the vision of our church this year. What is the most meaningful thing that you do in ministry? When are you most sure that you are doing what God has called you to do? Thank you!