Week 6 Comprehension Question

In the book, The Witness of Preaching by Thomas G. Long, (This is not one of your reading texts) he states: "Congregations have ritual expectations about the range of time a sermon should last. These expectations are the products of many forces." It makes sense that one size "does not fit all" when it comes to this expectation. This is an exercise in exegeting the congregation. Or, in other words, you are attempting to understand the unique culture of your congregation as it impacts the length of a sermon. (You may want to review Stowell regarding local context in Chapter 11 of Shepherding the Church.)

    1. Think about the congregation where you preach or attend. What are the forces that impact your congregation's expectations regarding the length of sermon delivery? You may even want to ask two or three well respected lay persons their opinion. This is designed to be an important learning experience for you, as no preacher can afford to ignore this principle and communicate effectively in his/her context.

NOTE: There is no specific word count on this question but it should be answered thoroughly enough to impact your own thinking and provide important input for the class.
Due by Day Three (3) Wednesday


Week 5 Comprehension Question